The M-CORE electricity generation system has a proven operational track record, with third-party validation testing and more than a year of operational history. Currently the production of zero emissions M-CORE fuel free containerized units is being scaled up to meet potential demand. It can’t be stressed enough that the M-CORE generation system is a carbon neutral zero emissions fuel free electricity generator.
We here at We World Energy say “Fuel Free” because the M-CORE requires no fuel input. I say again no input of fuel or gas of any kind. No diesel, no petroleum, no hydrogen etc. Also, it should be noted that there are no solar panels or solar arrays needed and there are no wind turbines or wind speeds needed to power the M-CORE zero emissions electricity generation system.
It has been called the M-CORE. There are three or four other commercial names, but it is essentially one system (M-CORE) based on We World’s original patents and propriety technology. Simply put, the M-CORE electricity generation system is essentially a simple but powerful hydroelectric dam that is encapsulated and culminated inside a sealed container as all of us in this room and online understand hydroelectric dams are one of the most prominent sources of electricity in the world I know in Australia there is a lot of use of hydroelectric power including the famous Snowy Mountains Hydroelectric Project. It has a capacity of 3,800MW, is Australia's largest hydro scheme and is one of the most complex integrated water and hydroelectricity schemes in the world. What happens with hydroelectric water movement and the pressure produced. This powerful pressure of the water moves the generator head and when a generator head is moved it outputs the electricity. Power is generated through the movements of the generator head. So, just like hydroelectric we use the fall, and the very powerful force and movements of the water to move the generator head in the container. There is a small lithium-ion battery within the container used to initiate or kick start the M-CORE generation system.
So, what happens now to the water we have stored inside the M-CORE containerized generation system. The amount of water that is inside the container is enclosed and does not flow out. At no stage is the water removed or coming out, so it is never lost but re used repeatedly. There is never a need to top-up or replace the water inside container. The water is sealed in the container and water that is inside the container just keeps being reused again and again.
We make the point that the water stays inside the container for years and we have a series of very special proprietary pumps that are manufactured to specifications by one of the biggest European pump producers. This pump manufacturer has worked with We World for several years customizing and making sure the proprietary pumps are specifically designed and manufactured to operate efficiently within the M-CORE generation system.
To recapitulate the M-CORE system uses water that is constantly moving and spinning around in a pre-determined cycle. The speed, velocity and pressure of the water is controlled so that we can continuously spin/move the water around at a set flow rate, at a set RPM at set pressure and set speed so the water is continuously pushing and moving the generator heads just like a hydroelectric dam, but you do not need to rely on the dam for the water flow. The M-CORE generation system is 24/7 with continuous speed and pressure of the water moving the generator heads.
The Axial Flux cordless permanent magnetic generator heads are very light and spin very very fast. The most important secret sauce or black box is the water cycler or the water pumps and tubes and the water spinning around. Thus, the M-CORE generation system is fuel free we’re not intaking water we’re not intaking ultraviolet sun or wind the system continuously spins, operates and outputs electricity 24/7 in the sealed container anywhere on the planet. That’s why we can offer a consistent 96% efficiency output rating. We are converting kinetic movement, kinetic energy with the water spinning around at the controlled speed and pressure to turn the generator heads and output the electricity.
In terms of the commercial application, it is very simple. We take the M-CORE container (10’ or 20’) and connect it directly to the “black box” of the building, business or substation etc or wherever it needs to be connected. Everything is set on the computerized board of the generator so the cable output from the M-CORE container puts a direct electricity flow into the “black box” of the building, business or substation etc or wherever it needs to be connected. It’s a direct connection from the M-CORE generator so that’s why M-CORE can work anywhere.
In conclusion let’s just review in a very simple way the M-CORE Container. The container has inside a battery to kick start the system, the We World AI and digital software, the magnetic generator heads and the proprietary system of pumps. We are just spinning water around. In essence we’re just moving water around at set speeds, at set velocities and at set pressures that move the generator heads to produce 24/7 electricity. So, in a nutshell that is how the system works, that’s why the system works, that’s so that is the encapsulation that is how the system works, that’s why it works, that’s why it is fuel free?
I stress it is not a free energy machine, it’s not a perpetual motion machine, and it is not a Star Trek machine. It is a hydroelectric water pump that moves the generator. We just have it enclosed in a container so it’s extraordinary technology but in a way, anyone who is familiar with how hydro electrics operate and most people do, can see that is what we have done.
Thank you all for your time and we have some space for audience questions.
CONTACT Colin Archer Australian Ambassador We World Energy +614 03 951 981